
1.  Communicate with your credit card issuer Bank

The sooner you do this, the better.  Many issuers agree for a deferment or reduced payments if you are facing issue due to Covid-19 , Pay Cut or Jobloss


2.  Keep your cash

When you are in survival mode, paying only the minimum is perfectly fine if it frees up cash for unexpected expenses


3. Avoid adding to your Credit Card debt

No more Credit Card swiping when you are not earning, Borrow the smallest amount that you need to cover basic expenses during unemployment


4. Check for unemployment insurance cover

Many credit card issuers offers Job loss insurance cover and its benefits can be of a few months minimum due payment on your behalf, Check if you had it on your card


5. Create a monthly budget and prioritize expenses

Prioritize Mandatory expenses like Rent, food, utility payments & Cut back on everything else


6. Check for low-interest offers on other credit cards you have

Check for Balance transfer offers on your existing cards to reduce your monthly payment & interest 


7. Work with a credit counselor

If you are already on default or unable to find a way, hire a Credit counselor who can negotiate to your banks on your behalf and workout a debt management plan


8. Keep paying  minimum due 

A series of missed or late payments can have a negative impact on your credit score & chances of getting a low interest debt consolidation plan 


9. Ask for Credit Card Debt Settlement / hardship programs

A last resort , Credit Card issuers may agree for a debt settlement plan, Be aware it will be entered in your credit history


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