
How to prepare for the next recession :  10 things you need to do today.


1.  Build a strong emergency fund

Make sure you have 3 to 6 months of living expenses in savings Ideally in a long term fixed deposit.


2.  Make debt repayment your priority

it takes the pressure off of your cash flows if you run into financial trouble


3. Keep an additional source of income.

There is a huge freelance market available today that can quickly be transformed into a good source of side income


A balanced investment portfolio that works on the concept of diversification and hedging can withstand almost any economic storm.

4. Create a balanced investment portfolio


5. Make sure that you maintain a good credit score

During recessions, lenders only lend to the strongest borrowers. This means that if you have stellar credit score, it will be very useful


6. Make sure every family member has a Health Insurance cover.

Health insurance for every family member in UAE and in your home country also is a necessity


7. Never postpone your medical expenses

your income can get affected and the prices of medical treatments can rise. So, get your expensive medical treatments done while the economy is booming.



8. Start networking consistently to maintain contacts in multiple places


9. Do not make decisions rooted in fear