Although many credit cards offer you rewards, But few cards are made specifically for the traveller in you! especially the Airport Lounge Access Cards, These travel credit cards have different rewards and different ways of redeeming them. Let us examine two of the most basic traveller credit cards that you can have and make the most use of for your travel fancies
Differences between Air Miles credit card and Airport Lounge access cards

airport lounge credit card
Air miles credit cards are exclusive in nature and come only with traveller cards. These cards are specifically designed for people who travel frequently. It is very beneficial for frequent travellers, who can redeem these miles to get a free or discounted plane ticket every now and then and save money.
Cards with airport lounge access, however, are regular credit cards with a side benefit. These cards may or may not be traveller cards. Airport access is included in these cards as another reward benefit, and not as an exclusive one.
Air miles credit cards
Air Miles credit cards are the ones that are made specifically for people who travel a lot. These credit cards function like normal credit cards in all respects. However, one arena where they’re different from the others is with regard to their rewards schemes. Other credit cards may give you rewards like discounts, cash back or vouchers on your shopping, dining or other entertainment options. However, Air Miles Credit Cards give you rewards based on frequent flyer miles, that can be redeemed for free or discounted plane tickets. However, these policies have a lot of terms and conditions for their redemption and their usage. You must make sure that you enrol in a frequent flyer option with the airline that you use the most and which offers the most accessibility to the routes you frequently use. These credit cards are ideal for people who travel for business or pleasure.
Credit cards with airport lounge access
Unlike Air Miles, airport lounge access is not something that is exclusive in traveller cards. Airport lounges are resting spaces constructed in airports for travellers to refresh themselves while they’re waiting for their plane. Airport lounge access can be gained in many ways, including having exclusive access by membership, having an associated credit card or VIP facilities added to your plane ticket itself. Airport lounge access is offered by several credit cards that are available in the UAE. These credit cards may primarily be cashback cards or cards with other rewards programmes, but they offer airport lounge access as an added benefit to the customer. However, you must make sure what kind of lounge access your credit card offers you because larger airports have several lounges for different strata of customers.
Differences between Air Miles credit card and Airport Lounge access cards
As mentioned above, air miles credit cards are exclusive in nature and come only with traveller cards. These cards are specifically designed for people who travel frequently. It is very beneficial for frequent travellers, who can redeem these miles to get a free or discounted plane ticket every now and then and save money.
Cards with airport lounge access, however, are regular credit cards with a side benefit. These cards may or may not be traveller cards. Airport access is included in these cards as another reward benefit, and not as an exclusive one.
Which one to choose?
It is important that you look into yourself and your lifestyle closely before you choose a credit card for yourself. Before choosing a credit card, it is more important to look at what kind of expenses you want to take care of and what your income is. Make sure the rate of interest is affordable in case you fail to pay back your dues within the grace period and that your credit limit is sufficient to take care of your monthly expenses.
It is only after all these deliberations that you should make sure that the rewards on your credit card are to your liking. Make sure that you’re choosing a traveller credit card only if you’re positive that you will be able to make use of the card, and the Air Miles that come with it, well.